In addition to assassination tournaments, HUSH organizes a variety of recreational events.
Thorat Opening
In Throat Opening, Assassins open their singing voice to the rhythm of our own songs. The evening may contain other program as well, such as sitz or board games.
Sacrificial Celebration
The Sacrificial Celebration is the Assassins' anniversary party held at spring. It harbors many valued traditions, such as handing out awards to distinguished assassins and the annual winner of the board's sanction game as well as an assassination game played during the party.
Closing of Spring Season
Closing of Spring Season is a casual dinner celebrating the end of university's spring term.
Harvest is the actives' recreational weekend in August or September. Most often the Harvest is located at an assassin's summer cottage, and the program consists of saunas, playful assassination games, board games and casual sitz.
Orientation Sudies
In Orientation Studies, freshers get to know HUSH and practice playful assassination with experienced assassins acting as teachers - conveniently just before the longer assassination tournament held at fall.
Masquerade Ball (The Winter Night's Masquerade Carnival)
The Masquerade Ball, or the Winter Night's Masquerade Carnival, as it is most often called, is a party held between the end of fall and the start of winter. In its nature it is close to the spirit of Venetian masquerade balls: the participants must wear a mask to the party and one part of the program is dancing on a spacious floor with a free etiquette. What makes the party truly original, however, are our own murderous twists: the other parts of the night's program may well be the solving of a murder mystery or an assassination game. The Masquerade is one of the most popular and well-known events of Assassins.

Club nights
Assassins gather every now and then to the club room for eg. a book club, a movie night or crafting our own carnival masks.
Occasionally HUSH also organizes excursions to interesting events and locations, such as Helsinki walk tours, theater shows, film theater showings, Prison Island and Megazone.