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Helsinki University's Society of Human hunters (HUSH)

”The members of the Guild of Assassins considered themselves cultured men who enjoyed good music and food and literature. And they knew the value of human life.
To a penny, in many cases.”

– Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

Have you ever wanted to plot for days on end to shoot complete strangers with a water pistol? Are you susceptible to hysterics when an acquaintance on bowing terms asks you suddenly for a cup of tea? Does a playful little assassin live in your heart?

The Helsinki University's Society of Human hunters aka HUSH (also known as Assassins or Assassins' Guild) practices and maintains a playful human hunting sport. Closest to our wretched black hearts is an assassination game, but also paintball, Megazone and other jolly slaughter fests are in our interests. Welcome aboard!

HUSH and its activities briefly

Kevätpeli 2024

“Oli valoisa ja aurinkoinen päivä; veri virtasi valtoimenaan – paitsi satunnaisin välein, jolloin sen kaappasi mukaansa raju tuulenpuuska, joka pyyhki katuja (sillä näyttämömme sijaitsee Katajannokalla), ravisteli katonharjoja, ja hyökkäili vimmaisesti salamurhaajia vastaan, huonosti tarkentavien kameroiden kimppuun.”

– mukailtu Edward George Bulwer-Lyttonin Paul Cliffordin (1830) ensimmäisestä kappaleesta

Hei salamurhaajatoveri,

Tahdomme kevään kunniaksi kutsua sinut tervetulleeksi lauantaina 20.4. klo 11.30 Helsingin Katajanokalla järjestettyyn Paparazzi-päiväpeliin. Pelissä kahteen joukkueeseen jaetut pelaajat ovat aseistautuneet folioveitsien ja vesipistoolien sijaan älypuhelimilla. Joukkueet keräävät kerätä suorittamalla salaisia tehtäviä sekä kuvaamalla muita pelaajia ja paikkoja. Kokoonnumme Tove Janssonin puistossa klo 11.30, jossa käymme läpi pelin tarkat säännöt ja ohjeistukset. Peli alkaa klo 12.00 ja kestää noin klo 14.00 asti.

Voit ilmoittautua tapahtumaan tästä lomakkeesta. Ilmoittauduthan viimeistään 18.4. klo 23.59 mennessä. 

Peli on maksuton, ja mukaan tarvitset vain älypuhelimen Telegram-sovelluksella sekä säänmukaiset vaatteet, joissa voi juosta. Valitettavasti peli ei ole esteetön kokemus. 

Spring Game 2024

“It was a bright and sunny day; the blood fell in currents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in Katajannokka that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the stinky zooms of the cameras that struggled in the battle of assassins.”

– parodied from the first paragraph of Paul Clifford (1830), by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

Greetings my fellow assassin,

We would like to invite you to a Paparazzi-styled assassination day game on Saturday 20th of April at 11.30 in Katajanokka, Helsinki. Instead of foiled cardboard blades and water pistols, players will be armed with smartphones. Two teams gain points by carrying out secret missions and taking pictures of other players and locations. We will meet at the Tove Jansson park at 11.30, where detailed rules and instructions for the game are given. The game will start at 12 o’clock and end approximately at 14 o’clock.

 You can enroll via this form. Please do so 18th of April at 23.59 at the latest.

The event is free of charge, you only need a smartphone equipped with the Telegram app and clothes suitable for the weather and running. Unfortunately the event is not fully accessible.


HYSiä ja HYSin toimintaa lyhyesti esittelevä video. / A video introducing HUSH and its activities briefly.


Assassins wrote an article about their activities to Tutkain, the social science students' magazine! The article in Finnish and the article in English.


Helsinki University's Society of Human hunters
Mechelininkatu 3 D (Cat Cluster)
00100 Helsinki

Accessibility info and arrival instructions

Contact information

Board: hallitus (at)

Feedback forms

Anonymous harassment contact form in Drive

Anonyymi tapahtumapalautelomake Drivessä

Anonymous multi-event feedback form in Drive

Public documents

We preserve our most valuable documents, such as the association's rules, data policies, anonymized minutes and club room's documents, in Google Drive.

About the website

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Saavutettavuudesta / About accessibility

Pyrimme täyttämään WCAG 2.1. AA-tason standardin. Lue lisää saavutettavuuskäytännöistämme. / We strive to meet the WCAG 2.1. AA standard. Read more about our accessibility policy.

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